Searching for the City’s Hidden History
#1 BC Bestseller
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Eve Lazarus peels back the layers of Vancouver’s history to reveal its surprising hidden depths. As the author of such BC best-sellers as Cold Case Vancouver, Murder by Milkshake, Blood, Sweat, and Fear and Sensational Vancouver, Eve has become adept at combining her well-honed investigative skills with an abiding love for her adopted city.
Vancouver Exposed is a look back through the city’s past, from buried houses, nudist camps and belly-flop contests to car bombs, axe murders and a midnight police raid. Featuring historic black-and-white and colour photographs throughout, the book reveals the true heart of the city: one that is endlessly evolving and always full of surprises.
With equal parts humour and insight, Vancouver Exposed is an entertaining and informative book that pays homage to the Vancouver you never knew existed.
See other books by Eve Lazarus
“Eve Lazarus is quickly becoming one of B.C.’s most entertaining and trusted historians. All of that is on display in Eve’s excellent new book Vancouver Exposed. It’s layered and stuffed like a Skookumchief hamburger.” – Grant Lawrence, Best BC Books of 2020, North Shore News.
“Known for her top-notch investigative skills, Lazarus turns her inquisitive mind to unlocking Vancouver’s past, a past that didn’t always make headlines or top newscasts. In the end, the photo-packed Vancouver Exposed is a kind of love letter that is full of curious twists and turns, and some whaaaat? moments in Vancouver’s interesting and weird history,” says the Vancouver Sun. “Anyone who has read the Australian expat’s previous work knows there is always something new to talk about after Lazarus has had a go at a topic. Her work makes for a great dinner party, or in this day-and-age, drinks over a Zoom conversation.”
“Thank God for Eve Lazarus, an Australian expatriate who has lived in the North Shore for over two decades, and her generous outpouring of historical knowledge and fun facts, which are admirably bountiful in Vancouver Exposed,” The Ormsby Review
“Page after page of random, historic gems,” The Province
“Chuck Davis would have loved and devoured Vancouver Exposed,” writes BC Bookworld. “Even long-time Vancouver history buffs cannot fail to be impressed by Lazarus’ blend of the bizarre, the hidden, the destroyed and the overlooked.”
“Eve Lazarus brings her finely honed nose for news to her gorgeous new book Vancouver Exposed,” says the Georgia Straight in the Best of Vancouver issue. “It’s a visual feast and an ideal holiday gift for anyone eager to learn more about the city’s past.”
“Flip open the coffee-table book to any page and there you’ll discover a hidden gem of a story about Vancouver,” Vancouver Sun
“Fond, funny and fizzing with some of the most fascinating people and places Vancouver Exposed is a highly readable and revelatory cultural history chockablock with as many illuminating photos as insights into the city itself.” – Aaron Chapman, author of Vancouver After Dark
“Buried houses! Tunnels! Investigative tidbits! All the good stuff! All the bad stuff! All the sad stuff! Doot doola doot doo…Vancouver Exposed.” – Nardwuar the Human Serviette
“Writer Eve Lazarus has made a career out of chronicling the city’s darker side, but in her latest tome, historic tales of Vancouver’s seedy underbelly are mixed with a fair bit of warm whimsy, too.” writes Vancouver Magazine. “Vancouver Exposed touches on the iconic architecture and long-lost characters who built our city, with rare archival photographs and surprising revelations. In a time when we haven’t been able to venture too far from home, the book is a welcome reminder of the complex, resilient city that’s still out there.”
“Eve Lazarus pursues the stories behind the headlines and relics of yesteryear, adding richness and entertaining detail. This is the twenty-first-century way to tell history – from the bottom up rather than the top looking down.” – Michael Kluckner, author of Vancouver Remembered
“Vancouver Exposed appears in a large-coffee-table format, offering up capsule histories of everything from the Christmas windows at the old Woodward’s department store to still-with-us landmarks like the Dominion Building,” says John Ackermann, City News 1130. “The more you read, the more you learn there is history hidden throughout the city.”
“If you were to peel back enough layers of a place, even somewhere like little old North Vancouver, you’d likely find all kinds of neat stuff just waiting below the surface,” writes the North Shore News. “In Eve Lazarus’s new book, the local author has done the digging. [Vancouver Exposed] is a nostalgic romp through Vancouver’s past that digs up eccentric tales and little oddities, presenting them as a love letter to our weird history.”
“[Vancouver Exposed] is engrossing with all its fascinating stories and unforgettable characters. There are also a great number of archival and never before published photographs that add so much to the colour of the city, our memory of it and understanding of it,” says Joseph Planta at On The Line. “Eve’s skill at uncovering a good story and telling a captivating tale are throughout this book.”