Every Place Has a Story

The BowMac Sign: Guy in the Sky




Photo courtesy Angus McIntyre ca.1968. From the roof of the Fairmont Apartments at Spruce and W.10th

On June 4, 1965, CKNW personality Rene Castellani climbed to the top of the scaffolding next to the BowMac Sign and promised not to come down until every last car on the lot was sold.

It took nine days.

Courtesy Vancouver Archives, ca.1960.

The following story is an excerpt from Murder by Milkshake: An Astonishing Story of Adultery, Arsenic, and a Charismatic Killer.

Bowell McLean Motor Company

These days, the scene takes a bit of imagination. Auto row and the Bowell McLean Motor Company on West Broadway are long gone. The giant neon sign has been neglected and was partially covered over by the current tenant—Toys-R-Us—more than 20 years ago.

But back to 1965.

Courtesy Angus McIntyre, ca.1968
Jimmy Pattison:

The BowMac car dealership had a history of staging stunts to lure customers away from the Dueck Chevrolet Oldsmobile dealership down the road. Under Jimmy Pattison’s management, promotions included dressing up a performing monkey in overalls and hiring the Leavy brothers—seven-foot-tall twins—to hang out in the used car lot. In 1958, Pattison staged what was billed as the “world’s largest checker game” where models in red or black bathing suits became the checkers moving across a board of two-foot squares.

Pattison topped that the following year when he commissioned Neon Products (a company he later brought) to build a sign the height of a seven-storey building. It had orange and red letters that spelled BOWMAC, powered by a transformer that could light up 30 houses.

The sign cost $100,000, weighed 12 tons, and was briefly North America’s largest free-standing sign.

April 30, 1959. Vancouver Sun
Guy in the Sky:

Castellani’s assignment was called “the Guy in the Sky” and the stunt called for him to live in a station wagon next to the neon sign. The station wagon was equipped with a telephone and a direct line to CKNW, bedding, and a chemical toilet. Food was sent up to him in a bucket. The car was brightly lit, and he was quite visible from the ground most of the time. He would give regular broadcasts from the tower. Passerbys were encouraged to drive by and honk their horns, and they could see a clothesline strung from the station wagon to the sign with a pair of Castellani’s shorts swaying in the wind.

Rene Castellani and Jack Cullen, ;1964. Courtesy Colleen Hardwick
Capital Murder:

The BowMac Sign promotion became a central part in Castellani’s capital murder trial for the arsenic poisoning of his wife Esther. A Toronto lab was able to use a nuclear reactor to chart the progress of arsenic in Esther’s hair and fingernail growth and provide a rough timeline of when she received the poison and in what quantities. Esther, who had been in Vancouver General Hospital for the nine-day duration of the promotion, had greatly improved while Castellani was away. On the day after he came back down from the sign, she got really ill and never recovered. It coincided with the charts that showed she had received a massive dose of arsenic while she was in hospital and sometime within 35 days of her death on July 11, 1965.

BowMac sign
The BowMac sign in March 2025, courtesy Kenneth Chan, Daily Hive

As for the sign, it was the subject of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement in 1997 where Toys-R- Us was allowed to add their signage instead of demolishing the sign. That agreement ran until 2022 or until Toys-R-U goes bankrupt. As of March 2025, Toys-R-Us will close and the fate of the sign is once again in jeopardy.

Murder by Milkshake is now a two-episode Cold Case Canada podcast:

© All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all blog content copyright Eve Lazarus.


Urban Fare opens at the Village at False Creek


Owned by the Overwaitea Food GroupI covered the opening of the new Urban Fare for Canadian Grocer Magazine last Friday. I’m always surprised that this store with its $40 bottles of olive oil, bread flown in from Paris, and wine bars comes out of the Overwaitea Food Group, the same company that operates Save-on-Foods, Buy-Low and PriceMart.

It is of course part of the Jim Pattison empire, and Jimmy, who is ranked by Forbes as the third wealthiest person in Canada and the 173rdin the world, was at the back of the store chatting to staff. His heir apparent Glen Clark, the former NDP premier of BC, was standing by the rotisserie chicken, while Bob Rennie, Condo king was stoked to have an upmarket grocery store to help push sales to young families, singles and the newly retired.

Urban Fare is in what was once the Athlete’s Village built for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, and now remarketed as “The Village at False Creek.”

The OFG group has transformed the former athlete’s infirmary and tweaked its concept for this fourth Urban Fare store. This one is an Express, and has about half the footprint of a regular store, but comes with a 50-seat restaurant area lit by antique mason jars. Here you can sip a latte or a pinot gris from Blasted Church, grab an arrabiatta with chorizo sausage or one of the 200 varieties of international cheeses, while lounging in an overstuffed leather chair and looking out at the newly restored Salt Building. Urban Fare Express

The store has the same touches as other Urban Fares—wood floors and reclaimed wood shelves, and pithy sayings on the wall such as: “A bagel is a doughnut with the sin removed.” But this one has a twist which is really impressive. Staff have recycled the bricks from the Pantages Theatre on Hastings Street—the one that died from neglect last year—and built an archway smack in the middle of the store.

Site of the former Olympic Athlete’s Village

The OFG has made an impressive effort to stock local suppliers in all its stores, but this Urban Fare is really interesting. Erin Ireland started To Die for Banana Bread out of her Deep Cove kitchen, stocked local cafes and is now selling her line of bread at the store. She’s joined with Vij’s frozen Indian food, Whistler Chocolates, Fraser Valley Gourmet and Feast Middle Eastern that hand makes “comfort food” from Vancouver.

And, thanks to the Overwaitea Food Group for supplying the photos.

© All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all blog content copyright Eve Lazarus.

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