Every Place Has a Story

The Ghosts of Glen Drive



Jose Lee and her sister bought a house on Vancouver’s Glen Drive in 1984. For a time they shared the house with the previous tenant who had died some years before.

This is an excerpt from a story in Sensational Vancouver.

Glen Drive
Glen Drive. Eve Lazarus photo, 2014

When Jose Lee bought her house in 1984, she said it had the most beautiful landscaping in the neighbourhood. “There were roses of various colours, multicoloured foliage, and the yard had an undulating lawn covered by well-manicured grass,” she said.

Strange Noises:

Shortly after they moved in, the women realized that there was something off about the house. It was 6:00 pm and they heard a clicking at the mail slot, as if someone was checking for mail. When Jose looked, no one was there. The same sound happened every night at precisely 6:00 pm, usually while they were eating dinner. “I would look at my watch and I would tell everyone: ‘two minutes to six’—and two minutes later the mail slot would click. It happened every day except during the weekend.”

Once, when Jose was alone in the house, she was brushing her teeth before going to bed when she heard heavy footsteps. She thought it was a burglar.

Glen Drive assessment
Even more scary than the ghosts, is the house’s assessment

“I kept quiet and turned off the bathroom light and kept the door ajar. If it was an armed thief, I thought I could protect myself by slamming the door on him,” she said. “I listened as the footsteps went down to the basement, and suddenly the footsteps stopped.”

Jose looked out, and to her surprise, caught a glimpse of a man’s back as he passed. He had blonde hair and was wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt. She thought he looked to be in his late 60s. “What was really weird was that he made no sound, and he appeared to be floating, because from the knees down, there was no image of his legs and feet,” she said. “As I got out of the bathroom to follow him, he vanished before my eyes.”


A few weeks later, Jose says she woke up around 2:00 am thinking of the word “Rosicrucians,” and having no idea what it meant. Later that day, she was cutting the grass when an older lady stopped to introduce herself as a long-time resident of the area. She told Jose that a widowed Dutchman used to own the place and always had the best garden in the neighbourhood.” After he died, his son sold the house.

“I asked her if he was a member of a club or a group,” says Jose. The woman told her that he was, that it was a group similar to the Freemasons, and they called themselves Rosicrucians.

The Lee’s sold the house.

“For some reason I sometimes have the urge to see the house again, so from time to time, I drive by,” she says. “I stop for a few seconds, look at the house, feel very sad, and then I leave.”


9 comments on “The Ghosts of Glen Drive”

When I grew up I recall advertisements for the Rosicrutians in old National Geographics. I was at a dinner in a house several years ago when an event took place with five witnesses. We had finished our meal, and people decided to wait to have dessert later. No one had moved to leave their seats, and right in front of us beyond anyone’s reach an empty wine bottle suddenly fell on its side, and stayed put without rolling away. The neck of the bottle was pointed at the hostess, whose husband had died a few years before. It was as if a hand had grabbed hold of the bottle and pushed it down on the table. We were all quite startled by this event.

When I lived in the neighbourhood, there used to be a small, pretty little building with the name “Rosicrucian” on it, on 16th or 17th near Ash….situated in the midst of old arts and crafts houses. This was in 1990-1991-ish. Never saw a sign of activity, but it must have been at least clinging to life then….seems to be gone now.

Not a surprising story……I was instrumental in forming the original Vancouver Paranormal…( A different group these days to which i dont belong)…..yes …yes indeed..there are plenty of hauntings in Vancouver..what Ihave seen and heard would keep you up at night ……. So much of the original city is now gone ..particularly the wonderful old west end….and old Chinatown back in the 60s……. There were many old hauntings back then…and original untouched homes and buildings

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