Confused by the new parking restrictions and hostile signage at Lynn Valley? Creeped out by the guy in blue that follows you around the parking lot? Not sure where LV shopping Centre starts and where LV Village takes over? Wondering why they can’t just enforce a one or two-hour parking limit and let customers park where they want?

I called Lynn Valley Centre manager, Lorelei Guthrie yesterday to find out. Guthrie has a long career managing shopping centres around the Lower Mainland, and sadly for her, landed at Lynn Valley in October, the same day the parking police were installed.
Turns out there are actually four different landlords in this little area. Lynn Valley Village constitutes the library, Delaney’s, etc; the Lynn Valley Centre is the sad, aging, mall. Safeway has and patrols its own parking lot. The grey area is the parking lot outside the Black Bear, where staff encourage anyone who has had too much to drink to leave their car overnight. You don’t see any signs there.

“We’ve been experiencing quite a parking crunch,” says Guthrie. “We discovered that we were being used as a park and ride, we discovered that companies from across the street were asking their staff to park onsite, and it was taking away from our customer’s ability to come and park,” she said.
If you’re heading for a hot yoga class, wanting to return a book, or grab a coffee, then you need to park in the underground lot that’s accessible from Mountain Highway.

But if you want to grab some cash from the ATM at Vancity, buy clothes at Winners, pick up bananas at Safeway, and have lunch at the Black Bear, do you have to move your car four times?
“It’s a juggle and it’s one that we are still struggling with,” says Guthrie. “There’s no firm line because we are so blended.”

Things aren’t expected to change for another two years when a new parkade will be built, although Guthrie says the guards will be gone after Christmas.
I noticed today that there were a lot of empty parking spaces. Probably left by people on their way to other centres where they can park and shop unhassled.
© All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all blog content copyright Eve Lazarus.
4 comments on “The Grinch who Stole Lynn Valley”
This will drive customers away!
Especially those drivers with mobility issues.
Nicely said, Eve. It’s absurd and also confusing for regulars and newcomers who dart around to different shops & offices. The signage is also a great example of crazy making instruction. Something about being ticketed if you leave the lot, yes?
I once had a ticket placed on my semi truck for parking illegally in the mall at 6th and Mcbride in New Westminster. I sent the private company a photo of my mom who lived nearby and told them my story of how difficult it was to look after an aged parent when you had a full time job. I told them I would gladly send all photos and a cheque to cover the fine to the local newspaper and a note asking the paper to forward the cheque to them. They asked me not to do that.
Merry Christmas to you Eve, I really enjoy your blog and the history of our great city.
Thank you
I’m surprised they didn’t send your Mum some flowers with a note saying sorry for the bother. Merry Christmas to you as well Doug, and thanks so much for all your comments and feedback during the year!