Every Place Has a Story

Behind the Wall at the Hotel Vancouver


Beatrice Lennie created a mural for the Hotel Vancouver’s lobby in 1939. It’s been hidden behind a wall since 1967. This story is from Vancouver Exposed: Searching for the City’s Hidden History

Beatrice Lennie:

When Beatrice Lennie graduated from the first class at the Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts (now Emily Carr University of Art + Design) in 1929, it took four piano movers to shift her diploma piece.

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Remembering Olga Hawryluk (1922-1945)


Thursday November 25 is International Day. Remembering Olga Hawryluk, 23, murdered May 3, 1945. 

From Blood, Sweat, and Fear: The Story of Inspector Vance and the Blood, Sweat and Fear podcast.

Granville Street:

On May 2, 1945, Olga finished her shift at the Empire Café on West Hastings at 2:30 am and was walking to her home in the West End.

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Doug and the Slugs (1951-2004)


Doug Bennett, lead singer of  Doug and the Slugs and his wife Nancy bought an old house on Semlin Drive in 1987. The house received heritage designation last month.

This story is from my book Sensational Vancouver

2146 Semlin Drive:

Current owners Adrienne Tanner and Mike Walker now have a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the City of Vancouver.

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The Fake House and the Thornton Tunnel


There is a fake house in Burnaby that has fooled even some of its closest neighbours since 1967. Rumours have spread that it’s everything from a government safe house to an animal crematorium, but the truth is far more interesting.

From Vancouver Exposed: Searching for the City’s Hidden History

The Fake House:

The house is actually a huge ventilation shaft that’s hidden in plain sight.

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Overlynn: Burnaby’s most haunted mansion


Earlier this month, St. John Alexander invited me to hang out at Overlynn, a Burnaby mansion for a CTV news Halloween segment. I spent an amazing Saturday with St. John, Greg Mansfield and Amanda Quill—two experienced ghost hunters.

Listen to Cold Case Canada podcast Episode 34

Charles Peter:

As the history geek in the group, I discovered that Overlynn, which is in Vancouver Heights, is part of North Burnaby.

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The Ghost Train


As Chef Jean-Francois Dube discovered in 1999, North Vancouver’s Pacific Starlight Dinner train was haunted

In 1997, I was the Vancouver Correspondent for Marketing Magazine and one of a few dozen media invited along to launch BC Rail’s Pacific Starlight Dinner Train. It was a fantastic night, beginning with a musical send-off from the old North Vancouver station, great food, a stop at Porteau Cove and free booze all the way up and back.

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Remembering Trans-Canada Airlines Flight 3


On April 28, 1947, Trans-Canada Airlines Flight 3 took off from Lethbridge, Alberta on a routine flight to Vancouver. It never arrived.

Rice Lake:

A couple of Sundays ago, my friend Virginia and I went for a walk around North Vancouver’s Rice Lake. We stopped to pay our respects at the two boulders near the entrance.

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