The 2012 Greater Vancouver Fire Fighters Hall of Flame Calendar officially launched on September 8 at Chill Winston’s, a restaurant in a heritage building in Vancouver’s Gastown. Since it’s the Calendar’s 25th anniversary, and because the front page and several of the fire fighters were shot at Firehall No. 6 in Vancouver’s West End, there’s a lot of nice history attached to this year’s fundraiser.
You can pick up a calendar for $20 at London Drugs stores or online through the fire fighter’s charitable website. All proceeds go to the kids through a slew of different charities so you can buy it with a clear conscience.
Curve Communications managed the project, Jordan Junck shot the fabulous black and white photography, Lydia Avsec did the layout, and I wrote the bios.
I haven’t been to Chill Winston’s before and turns out the building that houses it dates back to 1899. The building is known as the Dunn Block, named after its original owner Thomas Dunn, a city councillor on the first Vancouver City Council. It sits on the site of the temporary city hall set-up after the great fire of 1886. Dunn built it as a hardware and ship chandlery warehouse and there’s a lot more information about the building at Historic Places and a biography of Dunn at BuildingVancouver.
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