The Dollarton Pleasure Faire was held in the summer of ’72 at the Maplewood Mudflats in North Vancouver. It was a celebration of alternative living, an acknowledgement that its days were numbered, and it was timed to clash with the annual PNE.

At least as far back as the 1940s, squatters were part of a long tradition of settlements such as Crabtown in North Burnaby and Finn Slough in Steveston. On the North Shore, the squatter community stretched from what’s now called Cates Park to the Maplewood mudflats, about a click or two east of the Ironworkers Memorial bridge.
From Vancouver Exposed: Searching for the City’s Hidden History

Under Threat:
By 1971, their lifestyle was under threat. The District of North Vancouver was determined to rid the land of squatters and replace their homes with a development that would rival Lonsdale Quay. The first round of evictions and burnings occurred in 1971.

The two-week long Dollarton Faire in August 1972 was a show of support—the mudflat squatter community versus the District.

Bruce Stewart had recently returned from art school in Los Angeles and was living in Kitsilano when he heard about the Faire. Bruce had met Danny Clemens and Ian Ridgway at the Mission Faire the previous summer and asked them for permission to document the event.

Clemens and Ian Ridgway also had serious carpentry skills and both worked on the set of Robert Altman’s movie McCabe & Mrs. Miller through most of 1970.

Artist Colony:
Bruce found an artist colony living in houses made from recycled materials—old pieces of boats that had washed up on the mudflats and timber and windows and bits and pieces collected from heritage homes being demolished in other parts of the city.

There was the Pirate Ship house created from the abandoned hulk of a boat that was resting on a log. And there was the Glass House, an A-frame construction with assorted bric-a-brac and salvaged windows.

McCartney Creek was dammed up to create a swimming hole where people could cool off during the Faire.

Bruce has taken several hundred photos of a moment in time using fast film, a wide-angle lens and a Nikon FTN. He’s photographed the very young and the very old who happily co-existed with those in their prime. You can see them dancing, swimming, making art and just hanging out.

Nature Sanctuary:
I’m not sure what happened to the hotel and shopping mall, but in the end, capitalism trumped the rights of people to occupy public land. Most of the homes were burned down later that year, and nearly all traces of the mudflat shacks were gone by 1973.

Bruce’s photos, taken that year, show little evidence of the squatter community—just a few charred skids where houses once stood. “Perhaps the saddest image is the old torn off refrigerator door, paint peeling from the intense heat of the fire, like a third-degree burn on scorched skin,” says Bruce. “The end of an experiment in ‘off-the-grid’ living which was decades ahead of its time.”

Fortunately, developers also got the boot, and the land has been a nature sanctuary for decades.

Source: West of Eden: Presentation House Gallery

© All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all blog content copyright Eve Lazarus.
26 comments on “The 1972 Dollarton Pleasure Faire”
Nice, remember it well.
Amazing photos
The pictures are truly amazing! I had never seen them before, although I had seen others taken at the event. Thank you for posting them here.
Great photos. Wonderful time capsule.
[…] The Dollarton Pleasure Faire of 1972 […]
[…] The Dollarton Pleasure Faire of 1972 […]
[…] The Dollarton Pleasure Faire of 1972 […]
[…] Bruce Stewart and the Dollarton Pleasure Faire […]
Forsure i was there!
You may want to check with plumb Bob james about more photos. He documented that era rather well.
Hi. I was wondering, seeing as you were there, if you look at the last black and white photo, the guy (looks like he is naked) with is right arm in the air, if you knew him. I think that is a picture of my brother. Garry Sim?
Leslie: I did take a few pictures of him, but I didn’t know his name. He was so colourful and seemed to enjoy having his picture taken, as did almost all of the people at that happy event! Again, I have wondered what happened to him . . .
Thank you for documenting and sharing. I have a nice collection of ephemera and photos from habitat and 1971‘s pleasure faire. I also have a black-and-white of myself and Clea Ridgeway at the mud flats that I’m wondering if you took …
Hi, Mariposa! Quite possibly I did take a shot of yourself and Clea. Most of what I documented was a kind of blur, as so much was going on all at once! Often, when I get back home, after processing film the night before, I look at proof sheets over coffee the next morning to actually see what it was I was shooting! I did take quite a few of Ian looking at the Sidhu batiks and more of him and Danny Clemens up at Mission the summer before with dome maven, Terry Lyster.
When I get home in a few weeks I can send you the image to see if it looks familiar to you if you like …
Also, several years ago I was in VAG with my Mom and we saw a large, three panel image of Helen at the mudflats. It brought my Mom to tears as she looked after her at the end of her young years. Was that a photo of yours as well?
What a great profile of this awesome piece of our shared local history. I love the pirate house & the glass house! Artists communities like this remind me that while vision and resources rarely coincide in equal portions, so much can be accomplished with imagination, work, and ingenuity. I also appreciate the photographers and writers who saw fit to document what society was hiding (or demolishing) at the time.
More great photographs from Bruce! Not only recording a moment in time but very well shot, technically and artistically.
I knew Ian Ridgeway from life on the Sunshine Coast. Sadly he passed not too long ago I think.
Some beautiful images here. I grew up in North Van and lived there till 1973. I was aware of the mudflats community but never ventured down there. I had a friend who lived not too far away but I didn’t know anyone on the mudflats and didn’t want to seem like an intruder wandering around in an alternative community for no good reason other than gawking. Now I wish I had visited. I’d spent time in countercultural communities on Long Beach (Wreck Bay) and Lasqueti Island and there were social gatherings on Lasqueti (I remember a lovely outdoor wedding in particular that had about 60 people i attendance)) that looked a lot like this. It was wonderful back then, basking in the golden afterglow of the 60s. Nudity and marijuana consumption was casual on Wreck Bay and at gatherings of friends and neighbours on Lasqueti — as in these photos– and no one made a fuss about them. Actually, now that I think about it, I was probably on Lasqueti that August (1972) when the Faire took place, so at least I have an excuse for not going to the event, other than just being dumb. I regret missing it. It would have been a chance to experience, right in my own back yard, a magical time and place that would soon be swept away.
The picture of the 4 kids 1 girl and 3 boys. I’m the one on the right.I was 11 years old. I hung out with the 2 boys over a weekend. No idea who they are now. Same with the girl.One morning we found a tophat full of joints. Took a few and tried it out. Not alotmof supervision happened. Is there a chance imcoud get a copy??
Very good photos and digital treatments in both colour and B/W. Lovely to see that time so beautifully represented. Thx.
Ian Ridgway wrote and self-published a book called A Carpenter’s Tale. I believe he lives on the Sunshine Coast.
[…] The 1972 Dollarton Pleasure Faire […]
[…] The 1972 Dollarton Pleasure Faire […]
[…] See also: The 1972 Dollarton Pleasure Faire […]
I shared this post with my husband Marshall Mar (Banana Brothers) who was also part of these wonderful events back in the early 70’s.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, thanks so much for taking the time to comment!
As a life long north shore we, I love to see this history. I was just a young 11 year old boy in 1972, but I found the mud flats after I grew up and regularly walk there on the weekends explains to my wife from another country what I understood took place here. She is always amazed at this, because nothing like the hippie era ever happened in Asia😉